Journal of Undergraduate Social Science and Technology <p><img src="/ojs/public/site/images/admin/issn_logo7.png"><strong>2710-6918</strong></p> <p><strong>Journal of Undergraduate Social Science and Technology (JUSST)</strong> is an online open access academic, refereed journal published quarterly. <strong>JUSST</strong> publishes blind-reviewed original articles and theoretical reviews for undergraduate academic writing.<strong> JUSST</strong> seeks to distribute original scholarly ethnographies from a variety of disciplinary areas. Our goal is to bring readers, especially other undergraduates, insights into subcultures, rituals, and social institutions.&nbsp; <strong>JUSST</strong> aims to address conceptual paper, book &amp; article review, theoretical and empirical research issues that impact the development of business, entrepreneurship, economics and educations as an educational and scientific discipline, and promote its efficiency in the economic, social and cultural contexts, both domestically and globally.</p> ABRN@sia en-US Journal of Undergraduate Social Science and Technology 2710-6918 Customer Satisfaction and Business Growth <p>Business exist because of customer. Organization that customer oriented will put high priority to meet customer needs and wants. That is why, organization served customer as the heartbeat in the organization. Without the customer, the organization not having income and they cannot sustain in the industry. In order to ensure the organization, remain competitive, they need to well manage their customer by making them happy to do the business transaction with them. From the happy emotion the customer had, it will create the good customer experience. Good customer experience will lead to customer satisfaction and later convert to higher level which is loyalty. To have customer loyalty it requires many strategies and knowledge to manage customer satisfaction. Hence, this paper will discuss the importance and strategy to achieve customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.</p> Safariena Ilias Mohd Farid Shamsudin Copyright (c) 2020-03-01 2020-03-01 2 2 How Reciprocity Theory Drives Customer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty <p>This paper present about reciprocity theory. Reciprocity theory is a social rule that means to evaluate people towards their behaviours and attitudes against people. The theory explain more about the expectation and real action that people will respond to each other’s in similar way. The result shows that people should repay or give back in kind that what another person has provide to them, it was a received a good treatment and give a good treatment to others. Reciprocity is not a new in the economics and it will give a benefit or good impact to the person, business and economy.</p> Nurul Aziidah Zulkifli Mohd Faizun Mohamad Yazid Copyright (c) 2020-03-18 2020-03-18 2 2 Role of trust towards business success <p>Customer trust is a reciprocal behaviour in return as what customer receives from the business organizations. Trust comes when business organizations understand their customer's needs and wants. Gaining customer's trust is important not only to make them satisfied but remain in the customer lifecycle. Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines how happy customers are with the company’s products, services and capabilities. Customer satisfaction information, including surveys and ratings, can help a business organization to determine how best to improve or changes its products and services. Trust and satisfaction have a significant relationship towards business growth and sustainability. In business customer are important especially during tough competitions.</p> Aida Zarifah Mohd Azahari Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-09 2020-03-09 2 2 Make a customer, not a sale: Review on customer trust <p>Trust is the action of putting a confidence on someone and hoping for a positive reaction while satisfaction is a pleasure obtain from a fulfilment. Customer trust at the same time can be recognize as thoughts, feelings, emotions, or behaviours manifested when customers feel that a provider can be relied upon to act in their best interest. Various researchers have justified that trust and customer satisfaction is fundamental in order to attain customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. The keys of trust are successful marketing, consumer research and meeting expectation thus will lead to an extended and stronger relationship with customers. Besides, reliability, reputation and excellent customer services are one of the way to earn satisfaction of consumers and will proceed to creates price advantage and limit brand crisis. In a nutshell, every provider main purpose of attaining trust and giving maximization satisfaction to customers is to have them as a loyal customer that will help to grow the business.</p> Ain Ruzanna Kamarol Baharin Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-18 2020-03-18 2 2 Advertisement for growing business <p><em>The purpose of this paper is to address on how ads can increase sales revenue in a business. Various studies show a positive relationship between advertising and sales. Based research, advertising is important for every type of business. The purpose of advertisement is to let people know about the business. By definition, advertising is the dissemination of information privately through paid media where the source is a sponsoring organization. Advertising is important to the business as a whole because it enables the business to attract more customers, thus boosting business recovery. Further investigation revealed that at least 6 reasons shows a positive relationship between advertising and revenue that is a product and service awareness. Second, persuade through creative advertising messages, product demonstrations and more to attract customers to buy. Third is a positive attitude towards increasing brand in sales. Fourth, I would say that brand loyalty is a company's asset as customers will keep continue to invest and support the company. Fifth, the brand image or brand reputation will influence the buyer whether buy or not to buy. Finally, successful and strong ads will attract more buyers across the border</em></p> Nur Aisyah Ilyas Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-19 2020-03-19 2 2 Why Customer First? <p><em>Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines how happy or not customers are with a company's products, services, and capabilities. It indicates the achievement of the business organization in fulfil customers’ needs, wants and demands. We can derive the information of it through surveys, reviews and ratings. It is really useful to help a company to improve or change their products and services that satisfy customers. The customer satisfaction is important to the business organization because it is the leading indicators of consumer repurchase intentions and loyalty. It also keeps the company brand ahead of the competitors. Other than that, the customer satisfaction can help to growth the business because people tend to pay more for a better customer experience. Customer satisfaction also can reduce negative word of mouth and promotes customer retention. In a nutshell, satisfied customer is a sign of successful business running. The company must prioritize the customer satisfaction to gain profit and good reputation</em>.</p> Nurnajihah Rosli Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-21 2020-03-21 2 2 The Role of Price in the Marketing Mix <p><em>Business in the 21<sup>st</sup> century is facing fierce competition among the industry players. Competition over market share and market growth becoming stiffer. Business organizations need to fight over limited market available. At the same time there are too many competitors that lead to customer have more bargaining power. This paper is focusing on the role of price and how it can contribute to the survival of business in the industry. </em></p> Muhammad Amirul Aiman Islaini Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-21 2020-03-21 2 2 WOW Your Customers: Tips to Retain Customers <p><em>This paper discusses the important about customer satisfaction towards business organization. Customer’s satisfaction is very important aspect in a business or company because their profit depends on their customers. Customers are responsible for the growth of their business so they should take this aspect seriously for their company to success. Dissatisfaction of a customer is when they use the product or services of a company and they will not repeat it again. As satisfaction of dissatisfaction are subjective and there will be satisfied customers or not satisfied customers. The fierce competition among industry players lead to creative ways of marketing focusing on customer. Customer have more choices as the competition provides various options to customer in selecting the best service providers that meet their needs and wants.</em>&nbsp;</p> Syed Izarul Hisyam Syed Isa Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-21 2020-03-21 2 2 What Is the Relationship Between Trust and Customer Satisfaction? <p><em>Past research indicates that there is serious connection between trust and customer satisfaction. The study is outlined by the fact that trust and customer satisfaction give impact towards an organization. This paper is an extensive study of trust and customer satisfaction towards a company. Trust and customer satisfaction are a much-debated concept and is often mentioned in many literary works related to business. The initial section of the study lays emphasis on the definition of trust and customer satisfaction. Following section of the assessment highlights the long-term impact of trust and customer satisfaction to any corporation. The third-section of the study focuses on how would satisfaction of a customer can lead to trust. It also involves emphasizing the positive effect of trust and customer satisfaction. In the concluding segment of the study, all the key point is well concluded to get the answer of our topic</em></p> Ain Damia Zamry Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-25 2020-03-25 2 2 What does it take to satisfy customer? <p><em>Customer satisfaction is a measurement that determines customer happiness in terms of post purchase of services or product. It important in business because customer is a leading indicator business profit and sustainability. &nbsp;Loyal customer has high tendency that they will repeat purchase. Besides that, it also important because it will reduce customer churn and increase customer lifetime value. Lastly, business organizations need to know that it is important to keep customer satisfied and loyal because it is cheaper to retain customers than acquire new ones. The business organizations need to keep their customer satisfied with their product or services by meeting the needs, wants and their demand so that the customer would not run away and keep using their product or services.</em></p> Muhammad Arif Iqbal Shaharudin Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-25 2020-03-25 2 2 The price of customer satisfaction <p><em>There are too much unexpected things happened in today marketing environments. Business organization not only facing the challenges in keeping the customer but also changes in business model and approach. The recent corona virus pandemic has made thousands of business on hold or facing huge losses due to the sudden local movement restrict order that have been prolonged since the past 2 weeks and could be extended for a longer number of days. Business organizations need to cope with both the changes in the customer behaviour as well as the challenges in doing business that seems more towards the digital method. Business organizations need to accommodate themselves with the challenges and at the same time keep profit in order to remain in the industry.</em></p> Muhammad Afif Abdul Razak Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-25 2020-03-25 2 2 Rising customer satisfaction <p>Customer complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction. It can also be described in a positive sense as a report from a customer providing documentation about a problem with a product or service. Normally dissatisfied customer with certain services or product will complaint. Customer’s complaint is actually representing or highlights a problem, whether that’s a problem with the product, employees or internal processes. Hearing those problems directly from customers, may improve to prevent further complaints in the future. Research found that customers’ whose complaints are handled quickly can often turn into loyal customers. In fact, a study by Harvard Business Review found that customers who have a complaint handled in less than 5 minutes go on to spend more on future purchases. Customer complaint can become very profitable when organizations can resolve their problem quickly.</p> Wan Nur Syifa Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-28 2020-03-28 2 2 Review on customer satisfaction <p>This paper seeks to discuss the importance of customers’ satisfaction in a business. Business is not about achieving goals only but, should also focus on the customers’ satisfaction. Customers’ satisfaction is crucial goal to be achieved by most of the organization. Customer satisfaction is important because it shows whether the business is accepted by the market or not. Business that is operating in a long-term period is because of the ability to maintain loyalty customers to their brand. Study shows, customer is loyal to a particular brand because they received a good products and services from the company</p> Nurnatasha Mohd Yussoff Syafiqah Md Nayan Copyright (c) 2020-03-28 2020-03-28 2 2 How Pricing Effect Sales? <p>From the perspective of a customer, price always represents the product’s value. Most of the time, customer’s perception of the product value may not necessarily be in line with its price. There are instances in which the product is overpriced when its value perception is lower than the price tag on it, and vice-versa. For a marketer, it is important that products are priced at the right level. Last but not least, the product differentiation is getting blunted. The differentiation among firms on the basis of the product is going to get blunted when technologies get standardized. More products and brands will transcend to a commodity situation. This is an unhealthy sign as commodities are always subject to price fluctuations and price wars. Obviously, at this stage, the only way to differentiate between brands is the price.</p> Nur Syasya Farahnaz Mohd Anuwar Siti Aisyah Esa Copyright (c) 2020-04-11 2020-04-11 2 2 10.5281/zenodo.3748923 Effect of Price on Sales Volume <p>Marketing mix&nbsp;refers to the set of actions or tactics that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market. The 4Ps make up a typical marketing mix of Price, Product, Promotion and Place. Out of all the elements, we can obviously tell that the most important thing is of course, the price. Price refers to the value that is put for a product. It depends on costs of production, segment targeted, abilities of the market to pay plus a host of other direct and indirect factors. There can be several types of pricing strategies, each tangled in with an overall business plan. Pricing can also be used to differentiate and enhance the image of a product. However, all the elements of the marketing mix influence each other. Marketing mix needs a lot of understanding, market research and consultation with several people, from users to trade to manufacturing and several others.</p> Nurul Fasihah Binti Jamaluddin Siti Aisyah Esa Copyright (c) 2020-04-11 2020-04-11 2 2 10.5281/zenodo.3748943 The Fourth Industrial Revolution (IR 4.0) and Impact to UNIKL BMI Students <p>Recently the terms IR4.0 becoming popular especially in mainstream media as well as in the universities. Lecturers have been mentioning about preparation towards IR4.0 and it seems that there is something big is going to happen that may change the current educations’ landscape or some changes in the content and delivery mode. According to Aziz Hussin (2018), IR 4.0 is going to change the overall education curriculum in order to meet and prepared the graduates or the workforce towards the industry requirements. Universities roles becoming important in terms of providing the information and equipped their students with the latest information, exposure and experiences in order to meet the industry market demand for the workforce. At the same time (Culot et al., 2020) emphasis that students may need to follow the development of IR 4.0 and willing to explore new opportunities provided by the revolution. Szász et al., (2020) claimed that IR 4.0 is not only about the curriculum and about technology, but the effect is more related on how individual and companies or business organizations may sustain in the industry and enhance their competitiveness.</p> Siti Rabiah Nasrudin Naqib Mohd Farid Muhammad Harith Aiman Copyright (c) 2020-06-18 2020-06-18 2 2 Vehicle Dashcam Safety Features to Enhance Drivers Confidence <p><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW117354459 BCX8">This article investigates the probable improvement and current state of the </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW117354459 BCX8">dashcam</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW117354459 BCX8"> by undertaking a data analysis. The results suggest several improvements based on the methodology and focus. The results indicate constant focus on the consumers markets, economic theories and considering increasing the demand side of the response that we receive. ​​An important feature of this review is a set of actionable takeaways, with both theoretical and methodological implications for pricing strategy research</span></p> Farhana Mohd Farish Farah Nur Asra Ismail Nur Khairun Insyirah Noor Azree Copyright (c) 2022-01-01 2022-01-01 2 2 5 5