China's “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR)

Cooperation Project in the Cultural Industry Trade of Southeast Asian Countries

  • SHIWEN ZHANG UNIKL Business School
  • Ilham Sentosa Universiti Kuala Lumpur
  • Sheikh M.Hizam Universiti Kuala Lumpur
Keywords: One Belt One Road, Chinese government, sociocultural dynamics, international trading


The One Belt One Road initiative by the Chinese government focuses on enhancing cultural industry trade among the Southeast Asian countries. The cultural industry trade is established on the sociocultural dynamics as a result of international trading. The communities in the regions of One Belt One Road projects encounter cultural integration and hence positive impact on the cultural industry trade. The study analyses the international cultural integration in the trade, focusing on the Chinese One Belt One Road initiative. The key elements of the Chinese initiative are the development of transportation, energy and economic sectors through culture integration and economic empowerment of respective communities. Globalization is essential in the international cultural industry trade on the basis of political, economic and sociocultural integration in the regional trading bloc. The cultural industry trade is incorporated into the community through hybridization, accommodation, and transformation to have an impact in the globalization. Therefore, the Chinese One Belt One Road initiative has established cultural industry trade in the Southeast Asian countries as well as other regions.


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How to Cite
SHIWEN ZHANG, , I. S., & Sheikh MH. (2019). China’s “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) : Cooperation Project in the Cultural Industry Trade of Southeast Asian Countries. Journal of Postgraduate Current Business Research , 4(3). Retrieved from