Exploring Factors Attracting Purchase Intention of Imported Automobile among Consumers’ in Malaysia

  • Arwidah Ali Putra Business School UPM
  • Affendy Abu Hassim Open University Malaysia
  • Mohd Farid Shamsudin Farid UNIKL Business School
Keywords: Purchase Intention, Percieve Price, Percieve Quality, Brand Image


Nowadays, the level of market competition in Malaysia automobile keeps on increasing, especially when they need to compete with foreign brand. Thus, this is important for Malaysia automobile industry to understand consumer intention for which factors that might be can influence consumer purchase in order to increase their market share. Therefore, this study seeks to explore factors affecting purchase intention of imported automobile among Malaysian consumers. On that point are four independent variables such as perceived quality, perceived cost, brand image and country-of-origin. While dependent variable as purchase intention will be examined in this study. A survey was carried out with 300 respondents and the data was collected by using closed-ended. The questionnaire was constructed based on several journals that are read in order to acquire information interrelated, based on the topic of the study. Besides that, this study conducted by using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software version 22.0. This software was used to analyze the quantitative data and generate results. Finding of this study illustrated that perceived quality, perceived price and brand image have a positive significant effect towards purchase intention of imported automobile among Malaysian consumers.


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How to Cite
Arwidah Ali, Affendy Abu Hassim, & Farid, M. F. S. (2017). Exploring Factors Attracting Purchase Intention of Imported Automobile among Consumers’ in Malaysia. Asia Pacific Journal of Social Science Research, 2(1). Retrieved from https://abrn.asia/ojs/index.php/apjssr/article/view/zenodo.3750456