A Case study of organizational behavior and Leadership: The Almost Glory Company

  • Mohd Dzelwan Zainal Abidin
  • Mohd Farid Shamsudin Farid
  • Khairul Shahida Shabi
Keywords: Action focus,, Bumiputra company, leadership, management, Organizational behavior


The case is written for MBA or senior undergraduate courses on Management and Organizational Behaviour, leadership or strategy implementation. The case can be taught towards the end of a Management course to learn about organization and its behavior. This case can be used in the segment focusing on action and leadership. The case study focusing on the progress on Bumiputra company and development where has implied an approach regarding leadership and how did the decision affected the development of the entity.


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How to Cite
Mohd Dzelwan Zainal Abidin, Farid, M. F. S., & Khairul Shahida Shabi. (2018). A Case study of organizational behavior and Leadership: The Almost Glory Company. Journal of Postgraduate Current Business Research , 3(1). Retrieved from https://abrn.asia/ojs/index.php/jpcbr/article/view/11