The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in The Coporate Brand Building

  • Arman Ahmad UNIKL Business School
  • Mohamad Asmizi Bin Alias UNIKL
  • Mohd. Farid Shamsudin Farid UNIKL Business School
  • Baharudin Bin Kadir UNIKL Business School


Corporate brand will always portray positive image of a business. A good corporate brand is also associated with positive value perception of the stakeholders (consumers, suppliers and even the employees) and shareholders towards the business. The corporate brand has been long-time known as the best strategic distinguisher that differentiates a business with other businesses which simultaneously became a strong competitive advantage against others. In real entrepreneurship world, companies and organizations (mostly profit oriented) have spent noteworthy time and huge investment to develop, manage and protect their corporate brand. There are even organizations that exhaustively spent their significant resources on the ranking and rating of their brands to be the “super-brand” which is also becomes the top corporate brands among others. The corporate brand also broadly viewed as a structured object that can be manipulated, controlled, projected and brought “to life” by an organization. When described in more detail, it is said that “a corporate brand will potentially posses rich heritage, assets and capabilities, people, values and priorities, a local or global frame of reference, citizenship programs, and a performance record.


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How to Cite
Arman Ahmad, Mohamad Asmizi Bin Alias, Farid, M. F. S., & Baharudin Bin Kadir. (2016). The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in The Coporate Brand Building. Journal of Postgraduate Current Business Research , 1(2). Retrieved from

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