Regional Economic Integration: How regional Integration influence the participant countries

  • Sunny Jerry Open University Malaysia
Keywords: Economic Union, non-tariff, Regional Integration, Brexit


This study is aim to discuss the backgrounds of the integration of one country that participates in Economic Union and one regional integration that your home-country participates in. critically analyze and how these regional integration affect or influence the participant countries with supporting statistics, evidence or arguments. Regional Economic Integration can best be defined as an agreement between groups of countries in a geographic region, to reduce and ultimately remove tariff and non-tariff barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and factors of production between each other. Come to the last part of the review, will discuss about voted to remain or leave the EU if eligible to vote on Brexit.


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How to Cite
Sunny Jerry. (2017). Regional Economic Integration: How regional Integration influence the participant countries. Journal of Postgraduate Current Business Research , 2(2). Retrieved from